@Andrew how's your BTC node going? :)
I have found this:

And I have a Pi 3B so I might get a HDD and setup a node this year!
@unixb0y I abandoned it, I’m pretty sure there is a fault either the ext HDD, so unless I can get another one....
I’ll have a read of that guide anyway, thanks 😊👍🏼
@Andrew Oh really? That's a pity :-/ Okay, it is possible, taking into account the error messages that you got.
I'll keep you updated once I try, so maybe we can help each other out on that 😉
And you're welcome 😊
@unixb0y Does Wubunto work on a Pi? I stuck it on an SD but nothing happens on boot, maybe I’m missing something.
@unixb0y I meant Kubuntu 😏
@Andrew I don’t know.. probably not the way you did it 😉I believe it would need some extra drivers or so on the SD to be able to do that.