Apero 1.8 is available! [itunes.apple.com]

New feature: The Blacklist.

Add a tag, mention, link, or even word, to the Blacklist, and any post or message containing this element will be masked in the timeline.

Also: PCA in the profile window, many improvements and fixes..

Passed by: ericd, hutattedonmyarm, thedoctor

Tailed by: hutattedonmyarm

@apero Where should I look for the PCA in Profile? I'm not seeing it on mine or @skematica's. (I'm also seeing the scrollbar overlap the Pnut badge label on mine, and the Send Post/Send Message buttons run off the RHS of the screen.)
cookie jar (i)
@jws PCA is the emoji at the bottom right of the avatar. Its tooltip gives more details. The scrollbar is unexpected, I'll investigate. The buttons: it's by design. :) Same as the Send button in the compose window, for example. /@skematica
@apero Oh! So, this is weird: The emoji doesn't show up till I unfocus that window. I didn't notice the slight change between when I opened it, came here to post about it, and went back to snapshot. But it's clear as day now that I know to look for it.
@Skematica You probably have macOS set up not to show the scrollbars in System Prefs. I have it set up to show them always whenever I've a mouse attached rather than trackpad (which I do). @apero @skematica