Ugh. Being sensitive to fructose sucks. Corn syrup or HFCS is in ALL the things in the US. Learning that holiday food where host has bought cranberry sauce or desserts = bad night.

Even drove me to buy Pepsi as mixer, since no Mexicoke at grocery.
…not to mention, honey is delicious and awesome. I can skip on HFCS. I miss honey. But not as much as I hate hours of digestive upset.
@jws I hear you. Also strongly sensitive to fructose, thankfully the EU has rules against HFCS as a general sweetener.
@dgold Lucky. I did notice all EU stuff was sugar, but figured it was due only to not incentivizing corn, not to going all the way to outlawing it. So much the better!
@jws how sensitive is sensitive? It would seem almost impossible to avoid.
@doctorlinguist 1 tsp of honey seems fine. 1 Tbsp triggers a moderate to severe reaction. It’s enough that I’ve stopped drinking wine as not worth it. (Exception made for a couple ounces of vermouth or so, which seems fine.)