@papierzeit @schmidt_fu on notifications: do you have an app open at all times? I may have gone overboard not sending notifications if the stream marker is past the mention.

Tailed by: papierzeit

@33MHz First, I got a few emails after posting my complaint :-)

Good point about the app: I've got #Robin running in the background. IIRC most of the mentions were newer than the stream marker. Maybe the treads were older.
@schmidt_fu hm, ok. I don't think Robin updates the markers unless you post, though I'm not positive on that.
@33MHz I didn't get a mail on the post I'm just replying to - but I did get one for @papierzeit 's reply in the same conversation. Strange.
@papierzeit I didn't get one for this one. This should be about enough test data for @33MHz :-)
@33MHz i have running broadsword always running in the background. In the past, however, there were still notifications with eMail. @schmidt_fu
@33MHz @papierzeit Ok, I did a few posts with Robin today, but the mentions were replies to these.

I also deleted quite a few mails from the mail account afterwards, so it could be a problem with my mailspace also.