Anyone know if (or maybe the developer working on this can tell me themselves) the iOS Patter app will return?
@jacobrealo It intends to! @boxenjim has been chipping away at it. Hopefully more progress on the October hackathon.
@33MHz okay. So @boxenjim, is Patter as it stands finished porting over for Pnut? I for a while forgot about it. You are doing some great work in the Pnut developer community.
@jacobrealo as it stands it is not currently working with Pnut, still working on porting it over, about 1/3 - 1/2 way there I think.
@boxenjim sorry I meant the website version we use. Is that complete or do you have more to do?
@jacobrealo I believe the website is essentially in feature parity with the version. @33MHz has done the work on that though. When I'm done with the mobile app I'm hoping to start making the 2 work together more seamlessly as well.