“In coining this term (learning disability) he gave us a way to classify learning differences that enabled us to stop thinking about how the system might need to change— and encouraged us to focus on the student, not school, as the problem”
“Our national response to an underperforming or failing student isn’t to question or rework the system. It’s to slap a label on the child.”

from Rethinking school
@Wife boy howdy the flashbacks I'm getting rn 😳
@habanero this whole chapter is about how the 12 grade system tends to force a specific narrow type of learning on kids, and punishes normal differences in style/preference ie auditory vs visual learners. Whew
@habanero “if a “disability” really only becomes a problem in one setting— our factory-model K-12 system— (we should) challenge that label.”
@Wife here here!! Off, theory vs praxis as always is the question. Challenging the term against institutional powers within walls which one resides can be daunting. But agreed that it's absolute necessary.
@Wife that being said, me being "me" has become problematic because those overseeing learning & development routines are never outfitted with the tools to meet learners where they are. It's an exercise in conformity that constricts actual learning.
@Wife which was exactly my experience growing up. It still haunts me during company training modules because a) everyone is expected to be an extrovert and b) everyone is expected to digest the learning format and test out, usually at a quick pace.
@Wife I have a learning disability... it's called being homeschooled D:

Tailed by: Wife