I've been thinking a lot about how I interact with social media over the last few weeks and decided it's time to change things up. I killed my BlueSky account, retired my Friendica server, and getting back to basics.

Tailed by: 33MHz

I'm going to do some experimentation with the hope that I can find a healthy balance with my online presence and the things important in my life.
@SpaceNerdMo whew! Wondering what you'll do.

I really want to soup up pnut.gallery and just have easily-organized picture books.

Diary things.

That's a lot of value I miss.
@33MHz I'm still figuring things out, but I'm keeping pnut in the mix because I do love this community and it's still fun to tinker with. πŸ˜„
@spacenerdmo we're glad ☺️
@SpaceNerdMo in my observation, bluesky tends towards the terminally online. I have also dialed way back and am on the fence about nuking my acct
@habanero yeah bluesky quickly started feeling like twitter/X with a slightly different coat of paint.
@SpaceNerdMo best analogy i've heard so far. I get some value from feeds,which ofc are non algo. But i never stick around long because of all the gaslighting and infighting. I don't care to watch every personal beef be played out in real time lol