Why do people use Twitter? Or rather, *do* _people_ use Twitter? (Or X now)

When I last tried using it I mostly got unsavoury bot interactions; maybe I was "doing it wrong".

But really, something so locked down and unusable seems to me a waste of time.
@bayprogrammer I suspect at this point it's habit for a good portion of that remaining community. I imagine there numbers have been dwindling steadily over time.
@SpaceNerdMo I'm sorta applying a heuristic to filter out services, especially "social" ones:

- An open API allowing me to connect third-party clients?

- Non-draconian TOS?

I think that narrows the field nicely. My own site ✅. Pnut ✅. What else?
@bayprogrammer yeah I'm real big on having an accessible API, and I like to self-host where I can, particularly in the social space where community interactions are important.
@SpaceNerdMo I think X has reached something like AI Inversion as well. When I tried to use it in anger last summer I had a difficult time convincing it I wasn't a bot at first. Yet, I saw actual bots flourishing just fine. So strange.
@bayprogrammer X knew it had a problem, but didn't, and probably still doesn't understand that problem. Which gets amplified by the echo-chamber effect. Personally I'm glad to be done with that experience and happy to see others find there way out too.