Scaling back $12 billion. No wonder I only got one job opportunity from my recruiter. Michigan enjoys economic booms first.
@mandy The thing about the ev industry is that it was originally created to save the car industry, not the planet. The amount of damage done to the planet to find, gather and process the raw components alone produces ecological damage. It’s horrifying tbh.
@habanero I won’t argue that battery production is bad for the workers and environment.
This article about Ford is a different issue and not dissimilar to others EXCEPT Tesla. That the minds of consumers equate Tesla with EV was unpredictable, but is fact.
@habanero Now the only EV with true consumer demand are Tesla. But it was commanded that all automakers supply EV. The consumers didn’t change their paradigm: now Tesla = EV like Coca Cola = soda or Kleenex = tissue. Thus the Michigan economy was harmed.
@mandy huh. Looks like socialism wins again and the myth of free markets and deregulation gets another “L”. Maybe if Congress had oversight of production unit volume and mandates for each company… ☺️
@habanero I used to be pretty pro-EV and PV power in general, but the more I learn and experience, the more I’m finding out it’s not great at all.