Honeybees cluster together when it's cold – but we've been wrong about why
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"But my study shows that clustering is a distress behaviour, rather than a benign reaction to falling temperatures."

Yes. While keeping bees warm is probably a good idea for their health, this article is a nothing burger. #🐝
"Academics and beekeepers have overlooked the part played by the invisible air gap between the hive and the cluster. The thin wooden walls…"

I've been to many conferences, and overwintering talks about this everywhere.
Nobody's interested in thicker walls because you have to lift them, and they'll cost more. These beekeepers have 50+ hives. 70, 200, hives with 3-4 sections that have to be inspected every 2 weeks during peak season.
Concerned beeks and Northern hivers do wrap their hives. Here in Midwest we put a styrofoam top under the lid. A wind break is important. Some farmers put their hives in a barn, but most consider that extreme and unnecessary.