I’m slowly turning into a bitter Apple user. Mac software never delights me anymore. iOS is frustratingly hobbled and stagnant. I’m reporting bugs through Feedback Assistance but only one report was ever addressed.

Apple’s software quality has plummeted.
@shawn argh! ☚ī¸
@33MHz argh indeed. I can say so much (and have deleted so many replies/rants haha) and none of it will matter. I have no agency in this fight and it feels hopeless.
@33MHz That being said, I've fallen back to using UIKit and I'm enjoying some success after discovering a few workarounds to some framework bugs.
@shawn We've run into some issues on a project I'm on (they're frustrated by some password autofill limitations, from what was said). Seems like every project runs into something frustrating.
@33MHz last week I added a little “knock knock anyone home?” message to my feedback and they replied yesterday, again asking for more clarity as to why my feedback is even valid… while also admitting that their API is lacking
@33MHz spent three hours last night coding and writing a response, trying my hardest not to rant at them. Feels like a toxic relationship
@shawn đŸ¤ĸ You should break up with them.
@33MHz it’s a possibility, which is wild considering the time and money I’ve sunk into Apple. I’ve been seriously doubting my plans to transition into an iOS development… this experience feels almost as bad as them not even replying.
@33MHz my feedback was just marked as "Resolved: Investigation complete - Works as currently designed." No reply included. I'm speechless...
@shawn Argh, that is so disfunctional.
@33MHz good thing I haven’t been planning to transition my career into developing for their platforms… oh wait.

I finally understand some developers’ white hot intensity when it comes to current day Apple/Developer relations.
I received some feedback to my Feedback. They finally conveyed understanding for the actual issue I was presenting and acknowledged the API is lacking...

But, only two weeks after asking for clarification. You get what you get I guess.

@shawn better than never. Hum.
@33MHz this is true, yet still troubling. It’s been enlightening regardless and also the impetus for my current advancements using UIKit.
It doesn’t help that Feedback Assistance is one of the clunkiest papps I’ve used.