Anything new?

Edge of Tomorrow

Okay, anyone remember that scene in Edge of Tomorrow where they talk with General but they don't quite know how to proceed because they've never managed to get that far with him before...

That feeling.

Except with less exoskeletons #prosedev
cookie jar ()
Finally, I have a good chunk of personal time. I really hope I can use it well and get the notifications side of things up and running #prosedev
Now that I’ve truly polishing some things up, it makes me want to release a beta. Then I go to do a simple thing and some menus are really messed up #prosedev
This week I’ve been fixing bugs and cleaning up code here and there. In reality though, I’ve been putting off designing post actions in a (mostly) productive way.

I ended up breaking a lot of things but the architecture is quite solid now. #prosedev
I just spent 20 minutes debugging an unexpectedly nil value. I forgot to assign a property in an initializer so all authenticated endpoints were failing.

I think that’s a good sign to leave it alone for now #prosedev
Time to delete whole source files #prosedev
Modelling JSON objects in Swift is often a pain point, lots of optionals. I'm super glad the API validates core raw types. #prosedev
I made solid progress with some under the hood things. Took a little longer than expected to find the right architecture but the current solution seems obvious, which feels good. I get some UIKit flexibility while keeping SwiftUI’s composability #prosedev
I finally wired up the compose view again. It’s not finished but the basic interactions are solid.

Though, if caching was in place I would be saving drafts twice per keystroke. The efficiency could be improved haha #prosedev
My weekend started early, groceries are bought, and the weather is bleak. The rough plan is to fix some little bugs, try out a UIKit based compose view, and finally add some timeline caching.

Though, I’m betting I just manage one of those haha #prosedev
And just like that, I have embedded photos loading in the timeline. The design is rough and untested but I’m delving into ideas I haven’t really worked on since days and I’m loving it #prosedev
I often approach code for Prose as if it's going to be used elsewhere, it makes me reach for harder more generic/extendable solutions. Writing as the sole user of my code makes my options less flexible but easier. Case in point: pnut's Raw values #prosedev
I was going to tackle caching today but instead I added a bunch of little things I’ve been avoiding: lists of users, some more context menus, and a better in-app browser experience #prosedev
I know I’m a pedant, but I’m finally satisfied with my Timeline implementation. everything is refactored into logical components with logical names.

Just in time for the next additions to blow it all away hahaha #prosedev
Okay, threads are loading correctly, pull to refresh is smooth, and gaps are being filled correctly. Timelines are looking very solid.

I have some hooks in place to tackle caching, that’s the next step #prosedev
That moment when code works just like you imagined, love it. Gonna celebrate with a beer and a little break. #prosedev
Okay, I have a new approach for maintaining scroll position while filling in timeline gaps. It's not quite working, but I'm close #prosedev
I’m trying to figure out some infrastructure tonight. I’m leaning towards actors but things like FileManager can be used from any thread so I might just be better of with Task.detached… #prosedev
Okay then, it looks like loading timeline gaps is working. Yesterday, I was griping about wasting some time being an idiot but my spelunking actually helped inform some little details in my layout subclass. Hard to explain without visuals though #prosedev
I simplified how I handle navigation, much less repetition means it will work the same everywhere #prosedev

Anything old?