
The Facts

Listen to the gossip.

Nerdy father and programmer. I like LEGO and video games. Big surprise, right? Abbotsford, BC, Canada. #pnutpatreon

Shiny is better.

My brother pointed out that “thoughts and prayers“ works for just about any complaints on the Internet.


“My hands got really dried out fixing a bolt yesterday in the snow.”
“Thoughts and prayers.“
A web design company in New York has called me at least four times a day for the past four days. So if you call me and I tell you to fuck off and hang up, sorry. I misread call display.
@33MHz It really was. Sometimes you just need the sugar. :)
Today at our ukulele lesson we started with Bare Necessities and I Wanna Be Like You from The Jungle Book.

Then we realized each time we played one of them we got happier so we just kept repeating those two.

I needed that. :)
@jaminguy iOS 11 only here.
@phoneboy Have they asked you to sign a waiver yet? :)
So hey, if you want to call me and try to sell your website building services it’s too late. My phone usually lasts until 10PM but your asshole cohorts have already drained the battery.

Also, this has never happened to me before. I blame Netfirms.
@33MHz The dog from my childhood used to love to lie in puddles. But no baths, please. / @hybotics
Blaming victims is a pretty standard move in a police state.
Last night my wife and I watched the Dwayne Johnson Baywatch.

You know what? We both started laughing in the opening credits and stopped in the closing credits.
@33MHz Might have to do with the angle of your neck if you were on the couch or something like that.
@phoneboy I’m just glad my doctor didn’t recommend the surgery. I might’ve gone for it.
My wife has noticed that since I got a new pillow a weeks ago it's gone way down, too. Lots of things impact it. CPAP isn't the only fix (but if you can afford it/it's covered, it's a great one).
@phoneboy I do, too. A few years ago I lost a pile of weight and it all but went away. After I got sick and regained the weight it came back in force.

I'm not saying it's caused by an extra fleshy neck, but it isn't helped by it either. :)
@phoneboy Critically low caffeine levels can lead to dangerous naps.
@phoneboy "Caffeine is not a race," says the guy who's losing to the guy way out in the lead.
@phoneboy Ooh. That sounds like some POWERFUL shit, man. :)
@33MHz I think headaches after naps are usually sleep apnea related. Which doesn't mean you "have" sleep apnea, just that you were affected somehow that sleep.
Diane Duane (Young Wizards and the Star Trek Rihannsu series) needs help to keep her home, and the help she needs is buying some of her ebooks at a steep discount.

Had a headache. Took a nap. Still have headache. Not supposed to go that way.

Anything old?