@sloanb to my business associates, but you can call me Sloan.

The Facts

Listen to the gossip.

Family man, professional CTO, gadget obsessed, healthcareIT junkie : blogger and such. Opinions are my own.

Anything new?

Finally settling in that next week is a Holiday week. Going to be a big push to get a lot of work done early next week for sure.
Good morning folks.
I know him!!!
cookie jar (i)
Concert venue states no still or video cameras allowed. Phones are fine though. With quality in phones why would you even prohibit “real” cameras any longer? I’m not seeing this logic.
@33MHz I miss those days. Enjoy them ;-)
Time to get prepped for a concert tonight for one of the kiddos birthday gift.
Nice lunch with my oldest son this afternoon. You know Wendy's.
The world of consumer GPU is moving far too fast for the average consumer to keep up. Get a 30 series, months later it is outdated, 40 series ahh old news.
@shawn I don't believe I have. I've added it to my queue now though. Thank you!
shawn (passed by sloanb)
@sloanb haha same, I’ve got them queued up.

As for recommendations, have you seen The Game? It’s another Fincher, but mostly flew under the radar. Best to avoid trailers, it’s a great mystery.
You know what they say "If you are not making mistakes, then you are not making decisions"
Good morning to you and yours and theirs and the ones they call friends. Hope you have a great one today.
Expedition Unknown new season on the television and Diablo 4 on the Rog Ally. Today is a good day.
@33MHz Go get em
Why in the world do app updates takes so long to update/install on Android? Seems it takes at least double the time than I'm used to.
Never have I wondered why my Amazon reviews aren't being noticed. Thanks for asking though Amazon. Move along please.
@streakmachine Gotcha, sometimes work that makes you happy is far more important that makes you rich. But… you gotta have enough to live that is for sure. Good luck either way.
Chat solutions are everywhere. VERY few of them support anything outside of mobile apps. Did desktop just lose significance these days?
@streakmachine That sounds both fun and delicious at the same time. I take it you enjoy cooking and would like to pursue that path as a career?
@33MHz Sweetness!

Anything old?