
The Facts

Listen to the gossip.

The official pnut.io account. For help, E-mail support@pnut.io. Follow @pnutapi for API updates. #pnut

Building tomorrow... today!

Shiny is better.

Thanks for three great years of community, folks! 🎂

Today we're going to kick off a campaign to support Unicode and adopt our beloved 🥜 emoji. Chip in if you can and want. Let's make it happen!

💰🔜 gofundme.com
Growing pnuts uses 1/17th the water that growing twitter uses.
#ecoconscious #growpnuts
The API has been updated! This is a small release with improvements to polls, channel search, and some other dev-friendly improvements.

Note we will have to rewrite the pnut.io site translations, so they will be English for a bit.
Our maintenance window is approaching soon. Pnut will go down for a while while we change hardware. Thanks, everyone! 🔧
@jacobrealo Maintenance windows have been added to status.pnut.io, so it should indicate that as the reason for the downtime, but we won't have a replacement front page explaining it, unfortunately. Something to add for the future!
Tomorrow, Monday, we will be undergoing some maintenance swapping out old hardware, and the whole service will be down. Exact timing isn't known - some time in the American morning, hopefully for 2 hours. Stay tuned!
33MHz (passed by pnut)
Let's plan another #hackathon on Pnut!
cookie jar (d)

Doubt: What is your preferred day/weekend for a hackathon?

  • August 3
  • August 17
  • August 24
Closed 🌘🕥 4 yr ago
The API was just updated to give more flexibility to voting for polls, stickying messages, and a handful of other small improvements. Happy Sunday! 🐢
Just in time for the new year, we pushed the latest update [pnut.io] to the API today!

If you're an existing developer, your annual fee is gone. Enjoy this self-reflective holiday. 🎉
@jacobrealo For new features, yes. E.g., with this update, clients could allow users to update their Badge from within the client. They'll have to implement that feature, though.
@jacobrealo An update rolls out immediately for all clients - is that what you mean?
We've just updated the API [pnut.io] - this is a small update, but a number of performance improvements.

Thanks for hanging on for the ride!
@tjh @keage Thank you for being part of the community!
Monday is our 2nd anniversary!

And #ThemeMonday!

And the #MondayNightDanceParty!! 🎆😎
#Pnut turns 2 years old on September 10th!
@papierzeit yes, but badge holders also have access to an RSS feed of their personal and unified streams, to read their personalized Pnut via RSS. https://pnut.io/account/rss
@joanna You do have a badge. There are a few benefits [pnut.io], as well as keeping Pnut running. 🙏
@jacobrealo @joanna Ah, if you go to https://pnut.io/account/badge, you can check the box that says "Show badge on your profile", and hit "Save".

It's not very prominent, so some folks probably don't know about it!
@der_Jeff No, you won't lose it.
@der_Jeff Changes haven't affected users' current charges. Pnut has a minimum that users can pay above, so reductions don't automatically reduce what someone is paying. When first introduced, though, some users started lower than the current minimum. 👍

Anything old?