
The Facts

Listen to the gossip.

Shiny is better.

@33MHz Oh I missed everything! But good to see #MNDP is back!
@mandy I've been getting other stuff done, including several professional side projects. All of that is just over now. Good luck with the new job! I'm trying to figure out what direction I should go in next.
@mandy Finally took care of the last of Mom's house in early April, I had to put it off until a contract was finished. She's happy in PA now, near her sister, and my cousins have the good furniture.
@mandy I'm still around! I'm hanging out on 10C, although I've not really been active online lately. Too much stuff, too much stress. I hope everything is good where you are.
@mandy How are things there? It's probably coming up on slushy mess season for you :)
@mandy Mom likes her new place, and it's near her sister. They both grew up in that area, so she's happy to be back.
@mandy I just finished 3 months working full-time on an open source software project to learn some new things, and now figuring out what to do next. I think trying to plan for an eventual move is more stress than actually moving.
@mandy Mom has moved from FL to PA, I have one more trip next week to get the nice furniture and drive it to Atlanta. It's a lot of work, but I wanted to be sure it got to someone who wanted it. My cousin's daughter is recently married and has a new house.
@mandy Hello! I'm well, lots of stuff happening keeps me off the interwebs. I've been hanging out some on 10C and not checking pnut. How are you handling life without ADN?
@tomcat that worked thank you!
@tomcat the site doesn't say an invite is needed, but when I click on one of the options to sign up it does nothing. It seems to not work in Safari.
@joanna Is 10C working? Or just not working in Safari :( I can't sign up.
@joanna Yup, appears so. Still sorting out things, but I got my domain verified too. No iOS client :(
Trying this out again with a different client that doesn't hate Safari. But why won't noodle let me add my name in my profile? It can only be six characters?
@33MHz finally got logged in with Chrome. Safari is Very Very Unhappy about this. I haven't yet navigated my FF configuration to allow it to work.

You gave up too much to turn back now.