Gossip around @ento

Shiny is better.

@ento Nice to meet you, too! I've only recently seen the Cynefin stuff. I found it via Liz Keogh, who is a great speaker on BDD and software testing.
@ento yes, Pnut is only the API. what users do with it is open. you can build whetever you want. be creative. :)
@blumenkraft @ento Hello and welcome!
@ento Welcome to Pnut! This is *the* best place to get in touch with people, jump into conversations and for me the only *real* "social" network 😊
Have fun!
Here's our wiki: wiki.pnut.io
Or just ask 😉👍🏼
@ento so glad you made it! :)

do you have any questions? i'm here to answer them. ;)
hey everyone, say hello to @ento a brand new fiend of the Pnut! :)

Anything old?