@bard to my business associates, but you can call me Adam Schaefers.

The Facts

Listen to the gossip.

high tech, low life

Shiny is better.

My top 10 reasons to use FreeBSD https://www.reddit.com/r/unixporn/comments/7gcf85/openbox_year_of_the_freebsd_desktop_ok_i_lied/dqiv6mx/?st=jan7p8iv&sh=50f15b58
My latest FreeBSD rice on /r/unixporn https://redd.it/7gcf85 help me get beastie 100 thumbs up!
Lunduke says net neutrality is no big deal https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=csK3KspB-6A&t=719s Please weigh in for me, now I am confused. Thanks
"If internet explorer is brave enough to ask to be your default browser, you're brave enough to ask that girl out." - Abraham Lincoln 1863
Tracking FreeBSD 12.0-CURRENT / 11.1-STABLE / 11.1-RELEASE now by leveraging a ZFS snapshot for each, managed with beadm, with shared /home of course. Release is completely stock using official pkg. Stable and Current are compiled from source entirely.
If corporations are people, then the NYSE is a slave market.
@lechindianer Coffee. Always Coffee.
@bard can I reply to myself? I lied, all the times I lit my /boot directory on fire, and the times I corrupted my uefi boot entries, those things, zfs/boot environments cannot fix those things. =D \ @bayprogrammer
@bayprogrammer Not counting when I was a noob on Ubuntu and deleted my home folder and couldn't login with root either because they lock it down, I would say ZFS would have solved everything else bad I ever did to my operating system.
33MHz (passed by bard)
@bard seems like everything we do is developing AI for free. :-/
News flash: by filling out captcha's for Google we work for free in developing AI and self-driving car programs.
Just built world in <30 minutes and kernel in ~5 minutes on my old-ish laptop, I don't even have that new fancy ram or SSD so I'm quite happy about this.
Building world, kernel & poudriere pkg repo like a boss using ccache and tmpfs and snapshots with zfs and boot environments. #FreeBSD
@bard How can one not be excited about ZFS?
Tomorrow. We build world. #insert-boromir-freebsd-meme-here
Am I overly excited about learning to use ]ZFS snapshots and boot environments? Maybe I have just completely ruined my operating system beyond my own expertise in repair one too many times. @bayprogrammer
Learned how to create zfs snapshots and boot environments in FreeBSD using beadm today. Should've learned this a long time ago...
@papierzeit But will the blackberry still generate enough heat to warm my house whilst compiling said firefox? =) \ @thrrgilag
Compiling the new Firefox using FreeBSD's poudiere. The power of ports, the convenience of packages. Woohoo.
@thecraftyhome Be quiet you're embarassing me! Lol. Just joking, but it's great actually, finding kindred spirits all over.

You gave up too much to turn back now.