imagine being too stupid to wear a mask properly. no expert needed. but here we go:

Coronavirus face coverings under the nose equivalent to ‘not wearing a mask’: experts []

COVID-19 / SARS-CoV-2 <=> []
@blumenkraft most ppl do not know how to wear / use one I guess, only medically trained people and maybe a handful others. others reuse a mask over and over, store it in their pocket. the face mask is just a bacterial breading place.
@ludolphus good point, you can screw up a lot of things when using a mask. this is why i was anti-mask in the beginning. but the nose thing should be really really obvious, no?
@blumenkraft obvious maybe, but I guess it is difficult. Also touching and readjusting the face mask all the time doesn't seem like a thing one should do. Any surgeon can tell you that. And as you know in NL the public is not allowed to use medical masks..
@ludolphus the face touching was the main reason i was initially anti-mask. but since then we learned that the aerosolization aspect matters. even if you touch your face more often due to it, it's still way better then not wearing one.
@blumenkraft aerosols? Dutch government doesn't even know how to spell that, sigh...
@ludolphus it's all about likelihoods...