Actually remembered to join the Cryptic Sunday Twitch stream today! Really enjoyed it.
@hazardwarning arr. I had the reminder set, but last night I slept very badly.
@33MHz Luckily for me it's at lunchtime - & it's not like I'm going out much at the moment. Generally I'm out walking or something on a weekend.
@hazardwarning how are you doing otherwise? Same old?

My good habits have started to slip, I've noticed. I need a proper regimen.
@hazardwarning in particular, I am staying up too late...
@33MHz I’m doing a bit of that, but I don’t have to get up for work. I have been out walking the puppy by 7.30am except for the last couple of days, so ought to get back to that. I’m making progress with re-doing the garden, but missing human company.
@hazardwarning unfortunately, I always wake up between 6 and 8AM no matter the sleep I need. :-}
@hazardwarning Glad you did, though!
@hazardwarning It's a fun thing when I stumble across it. 6am here, though, which is a bit early for me. Some days I'm awake by then and on my phone so I might see the notice. Otherwise… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@joanna Yeah, it's not the best time for the US - it's nice for me to find something UK-based. Good fun, nice group of people, plus I do love crosswords.
@hazardwarning I love watching them when I see the notice in time. The insghts into how the clues are structured are very helpful!