@sickshow can you season my perspective on the airstrikes against Syria? What are you hearing on your side of the planet?
@33MHz, basically, that they're done to slow the Syrian army´s progress. This chemical weapons story isn't especially trustworthy, especially since similar chemical weapons charges against Hussain were proven to be fabricated.
@33MHz, in every suspicious case, ask who benefits from it. Why should Assad use the chemical weapons, if he has plenty of other means to do it. Unless, he wants to lose any sympathy what's left for him in the West. Those attacks have been some before...
@sickshow it is surprising that he would use them.
@33MHz, the shells which were found were always the custom-made ones which, if true, points to the ISIS. Even with all their resources, they can't find it fake what probably no longer exists outside Russia - Soviet-era chemical weapons.
@33MHz but I'm not an expert and don't want to start a holy war here. So, take it just as that - my personal opinion, based on second-hand knowledge:)
@33MHz and sorry for spelling errors. I hate them as much but I use an old LG Android phone with not very responsive keyboard to visit pnut.io :)