I'm not sure if people will find this as humorous as I do, but using https://github.com/martin-gorner/tensorflow-rnn-shakespeare, I'm able to generate some Shakespearean quotes. Which is kinda cool. But then I thought, what if instead of Shakespeare...
I fed it a bunch of Tarintino movie scripts. And that kinda worked. I would need about 10 more movies to make it as good as the Shakespeare.
But all along, what I really wanted to do was combine them. Get some kind of 16th century Tarintino. So, I suggest people do that. It's really funny. If you don't have time to set all that up, I put in a chat room where I'll post some of my favs.
https://patter.chat/1365 it's going to have some strong language. And since it's machine generated, it won't make a lot of sense.