Whoa, this is big news...wonder what it'll mean for the Workflows app and the future of iOS automation. Apple's acquisition of Workflow could bring automation to iOS | Macworld [www.macworld.com]
@cano Well, the update removed support for Google apps for one thing.
@charlesg @cano @TheDimPause apparently it also wasn't Apple that told them to get rid of chrome. They asked them to have each supported app sign a contract. Google most likely didn't respond.
Marco Arment tweeted about it because he got one for overcast
@jenni But apart from Arment's tweet about his own experience, there's no evidence to support that theory. No official word from Apple Workflow or Google. Google iOS devs I've spoken to did not know this was happening.

@TheDimPause @cano @charlesg
@dgold sure - but I doubt the team would know as this would go to Google legal and they most likely ignored it. But sure, we don't know for sure @charlesg @cano @TheDimPause
@charlesg What!? Oh no…thats not a good first move. I don't particularly use that many Google apps, but do use some occasionally. I'm kind of nervous now where this is going to go… 😐
@cano What I'm guessing is that with Viticci and Canvas, they realized that the future if the iPad and real work iOS is how it can do these complex tasks.