Honk honk and yelling at my bike.

Most frequent issue is when I stay in lane instead of weaving in and out of the parking lane.
@33MHz Yeah, I feel like people have a lot of trouble remembering you have a right to that entire lane at whatever speed you can manage
@anemicman I'm willing to ride the side, but it's situational. Weaving is sketchy, and as soon as someone honks or yells, I'll stay where I am. There's usually a passing lane.
@33MHz Agreed, I never weave. I usually try and plan a route that has enough space that I can ride side, or just avoid traffic entirely.
@anemicman I used to be able to travel back roads, but now that I go straight downtown, every road leads to traffic. I used to take the riverfront trail, but it's an extra 15 minutes (esp the train making all the turns through downtown!).
@33MHz Haha, yeah. I remember being worried about unexpected trains when riding that route. I much preferred it to getting the 14th street metro
@anemicman They usually want to educate me. 🤤💥👨‍🎓