I’m enjoying Forklift 3 (a Finder replacement), and have written a quick review: https://d.pr/wVu96l
@bsag That does sound like a worthy successor to Path Finder and my sftp client. How is the Dropbox integration. I know you mention all the different servers but I am forever sharing Dropbox links.
@jeremycherfas I forgot to mention that. It's pretty good: a ctrl-click on a file gives you options to copy the Dropbox link or view on Dropbox. There's also a tool bar item that does the same.
@bsag Essentially the same as Path Finder then. The integration with sftp is then the major difference for me. Maybe I’ll wait until Path Finder has a new release for which they want money.
@jeremycherfas Yes it will be interesting to see what's in the new version.