@jrose @cameopro77 I bought 10! Nathan Stiteler, The Hollands, Max Simmons, Abram Shook, Brother Red Squirrel, The Mailboxes, John Reuben, and Lowercase Noises. Reuben was a mistake, and Stiteler's CD doesn't play. Overall quite happy.
@33MHz @cameopro77 no I didn't. I got like 5 shirts tho. And the Lowercase Noises set was amazing!!!!
@Jrose I didn't actually manage to see Lowercase Noises because of timing, but I went by the booth and bought a CD anyway. I did that at two concerts, where I just wanted to risk it on a cheap CD.
@33MHz it was particularly good. If you're into post rock check out Hotel Neon, Muir, and Naal. All amazing and all played the fest.
@Jrose I'm not, but Muir and hotel neon were on my list to see, and I didn't manage to see them, either. I'll check them out.
@33MHz @jrose no I didn't but my fiancé bought Liz Vice. Her show was awesome.
@cameopro77 nice. @onsldave bought that CD, but lost it!