Different social networks for different ends. Diversity is the key to fulfillment.
@habanero pnut for the good people, linked in to find work, everything else if you hate yourself jk jk
@kyle idk about LinkedIn; seems like a waste of time IMO so I rarely visit. Pnut is like a digital version of Cheers. Everything else is cancerous. Even Bluesky is beginning to turn medium ugly 😳
@habanero it’s been useful for keeping a professional network, maybe since I don’t maintain one any other way
@kyle true. It *could* be good for professional contacts. I’ve just always found the signal to noise ratio too high for my liking. A lot of spam on site and in my inbox. Maybe I’m doing something wrong 😄
@habanero Where else can you go to bask in so much thought leadership???

I mostly ignore things and don't check it, except when I'm looking for work.
@habanero shucks. @kyle yah, it was interesting when I lost my job, I had some people and some things, but I ended up getting a random job through linkedin, once I'd built enough connections up.
@habanero @kyle Not super enthused that things work this way, but glad it worked!