Ist das komplette Gedankenlosigkeit oder bösartiger Vorsatz?
cookie jar (i,o)

Original Gangsta

@heluecht is that a bike lane that the scooter is parked in?
@33MHz yeah. You can only distinguish the walkway from the bike lane by the colour of the bricks. And yeah, that scooter is right in the middle of the bike lane.
@heluecht @33MHz I’ve seen scooters knocked over in the street and bike lane alike. It’s strange because designated scooter parking is explained upon starting an account with any major platform.
@habanero @33MHz some time ago at night I watched a group of people who parked their scooters directly in front of a drug store door. I spoke to them, telling them to move the scooters by just some meters and they just mocked me and went away ...
@heluecht @33MHz Sad. Understandably, people think scooter rentals are laissez faire platforms so they just ride and park wherever they like. But then I keep seeing statistics going up around scooter injuries and deaths that are likely preventable.
@habanero @33MHz I often watch young people who ride these scrooters with 2 or even 3 people ... Also people often ride them when they are drunken. I guess that they don't know that the same alcohol limits apply here like when driving cars.
@heluecht @33MHz yah. Dopeheads here hack them and ride them all over the city for free.
@heluecht @33MHz To be fair, the scooter rental market invaded the public infrastructure rather quickly and without much, if any, oversight and now what we have is a mess of micro mobility machines that may interfere with pedestrian and bike safety.
@33MHz @heluecht and I say this as a private owner of a scooter watching all manner of nonsense when it comes to parking and riding safely in an urban environment. It’s unsettling.