Working extending my Kernel::system() to parse its options in a manner similar to Ruby's Kernel#system() and Kernel#spawn() (see sig comment at bottom). Taking some effort to work through, and new Arr helpers, to get there; but I'm making progress! :) #php
cookie jar (i)
Phew. Conditional spaghetti for trying to unpack the various possible shapes of the args. I'll simplify this later somehow, but for now it's just gonna be a big mess. Now to see if it actually works. #php
cookie jar (i)
All that was so I could pass along the desired CWD for the process to be spawned. I need this so I can allow my script system to change directories (which I need for my little provisional Gauche build script).
cookie jar (i)
Woot! It works! I can now change directories from within my Script DSL! #php
My #PHP Script DSL in action (with the built-in `cd` helper). #buildinpublic
cookie jar (i)