Shiny is better.

Talking to LMS about being multilingual.
LMS: How many languages do you speak, mom?
Me: Let's count together: Dutch, English, German. And a little French. And a few words of Hindi.
LMS: [silence] And snark. You're fluent in snark, mom.
Me: 😳🤔😂😂
*Discussing our 2 yo's choice in footwear*

Me: He's a stylish dude! He gets that from you!
@ClaudetteK: Awww! That makes him an expensive dude too, though.
Me: Haha! Gets that from you too! 😝
C: 😝

#signal #houseofK
Me: I'm a simple man.
@ClaudetteK: With a simple life?
Me: No.
C: Well that'll explain the stress then.


My daughter left me with an uplifting thought yesterday: "Mom, after the terrible twos he'll go into his teenage threes."
#houseofK #cubquotes
Last night YMA didn't feel like sleeping in the early morning, then fell asleep around 5:30. When I tried to wake him up, he turned over and mumbled "ugh, sleep!" LMS, who was sitting next to him promptly stated: "He's like a baby teenager!" 😳😂 #houseofK

You gave up too much to turn back now.