I want a thermostat with an e-ink display.
@33MHz my opinion any thermostat is fine if you’re not running a space heater right next to it
@mandy I would just enjoy if these ubiquitous always-on devices that are seldom used or changed used e-ink, so their energy use would be infinitesimal.
@33MHz Do you own any e-ink? I am very interested in it but haven’t got anything yet. Just my LCP slates which are analog of course.
@mandy I have a 4" yellow/black/white display ordered, but it takes weeks to arrive. Refresh rate for whole screen is like 15s, but then you choose applications that only need partial screen changes and slow is OK.
@33MHz I would like to see it on a book reader
@mandy i've had this Amazon book reader. it was pretty cool. the battery is dead now though. if i was much more of a reader i would get a new one.
// @33MHz
@blumenkraft do amazon readers make it difficult to read non-kindle formats? I am out of touch on book readers and their quirks
@mandy back then i uploaded things like that via Instapaper (iOS app). can't say if this still works. // @33MHz