Watching Tenet in a movie theater. Like in 2 minutes. I’m so excited.
@33MHz jdkaowpcnbsjuwid! I don’t know how to write excitement
So far it’s 4 others in an auditorium that could easily hold ~200 by rough estimate
@shawn I used to go to movies like that all the time. I'd never see anything opening week. And, then when I did go, I'd go to the first matinee. I loved seeing movies that way. I go listen to music now, though. Well, pre-COVID.
@joanna @shawn Like when there's no or few crowds right?
@shawn I'm goign to watch it via torrent since I can't watch it legally in NY.
@joe it's a shame that many won't be able to see it in theatres. All his movies are really designed to be seen that way, this one included. I'm super lucky to be in a country where only 10 people show up to a Friday night English screening
Just a follow up, Tenet was amazing. Confusing and hard to follow at times, but stunning and something I’d never seen before. So… Nolan at his best