I found ... starbucks blonde roast? instant coffee in my freezer. I'm not sure where it came from, but I think it's from when Mom, Dad, and I went to Banff/Jasper. 3 years ago.
@igmp_join probably not good. The only instant I get is Sudden Coffee (specialty and high priced, so not a lot). They rate their grounds to last approximately 6 months. So I wouldn’t trust instant that is 3 years old because of the chemical processes.
@jacobrealo when it goes bad... what does that mean? no more caffeine? causes diarrhea/vomiting? other? because I already made a cup of hot chocolate with it...
@igmp_join I don’t really know how long it will be edible but it is long past it’s flavor seal point. Doubt it could do any harm. Coffee is pretty healthy to drink.
@jacobrealo I'll see what happens in the next hours. SCIENCE!
@igmp_join generally you know a coffee is no longer fresh/off-roast if it doesn’t get a proper bloom (release of gases). I don’t know how the chemical reactions for instant work, so anything I say may not apply.
@jacobrealo When I'm putting it in hot chocolate, I'm pretty sure I'm concealing the bloom enough that I wouldn't be able to tell anyways.
@igmp_join a quick Google search says instant has no bloom. So I have nothing else to offer. Just doubt it will taste like it should three years out.