Someone needs to make an app that automatically trims 2-3 minutes from the beginning and end of every podcast.
@Swiftshirt there's often a "trim silence" feature for songs and such. "Trim ads" you could probably detect with compression and volume. :P
@33MHz It's more about the music, introductions and small talk at the beginning and the "here's where you can find us online" at the end. Because I often don't listen to the last few minutes of a podcast, my player doesn't always mark episodes as "played"
@Swiftshirt ah, tricky. The intro/outro are probably fairly consistent across episodes of a podcast, though, so being able to mark it on first listen and remember for follow-up would work pretty well. Per-podcast and blanket rules.
@33MHz @Swiftshirt I have a setting in Downcast app that a certain podcast needs to start at one minute. It is working nicely. The intro is too loud!!
@mandy @33MHz Thanks! I'll give Downcast a try.
@Swiftshirt @mandy ha, just what the 👨‍⚕️ ordered.