I found the UICollectionView bug, or at least the parameters that cause it. Has to do with estimated row heights and safeAreaInsets.

I have a remedy in mind, but it will have to wait cause the day job is calling…. #prosedev
Bugs on bugs on bugs. I tracked down the weird inconsistency in UICollectionView last night. Not sure exactly why it’s happening but the broad strokes of a subclass/override fixes the problem, though it needs a little more work to make it efficient.
This weird reloading inconsistency was my last big question mark. I’m hoping by this weekend I’ll have a working prototype of the global feed up and running. #prosedev
I had a long lunch today so cleaned up the reloading fix and added the refresh control back into the mix. Everything is working as intended in the mockup #prosedev
<breathes a huge sigh of relief>
@shawn whew. What's it look like these days? 😛
@33MHz hmmm, I attached a video but it doesn’t seem to be showing in apps 🤔

Though it’s mainly stock/placeholder bits anyways I’ve been busy with the interaction, less of the actual substance and style.