Crema #done @blumenkraft the secret is so simple ;)
cookie jar (i)
@blumenkraft you will shake your head, I have tried everything possible with metal filters etc. for hours/days and the simple solution: 3 paper filters on top of each other and it works. OMG
@papierzeit hah! :)
i tried the 2 paper thingy which is very cool. i didn't stick to the reuse of filters. i have the impression they might break. ;)
@blumenkraft I always like to try crazy things. Oh man I am so happy
@papierzeit cool you figured it out. :)
@blumenkraft my two cents: I only use one filter, and have been reusing them two or three times. None have ever broken and leaked grounds into my cup, but I have accidentally scraped a hole in a few.
@mandy i think 2/3 times reuse is very reasonable. i'll better do it too.
thanks for your two cents. ;)
// @papierzeit
@blumenkraft Lately I only reuse filters one time; on busy mornings it is nice to just eject the whole thing and not have to rinse the filter too. But reuse prolongs my supply - I don’t have a local source of filters.