Shiny is better. ⇄

Reading recent issue of White Dwarf. Love the battle report section of the magazine. I’m slowly getting into Warhammer 4K since I started playing Blood Bowl. 🀫

#Warhammer #Boardgame #Tabletop
Fun day playing Warhammer. Played as Space Marine Ultramarine vs. Plague Marines. Lord of Contagion is dangerous in close combat! Lost a whole unit to that guy! 😏

#Warhammer #Tabletop #Boardgame
Will be going to my local gamestore to play Warhammer 40.000 today. ☺️

#Warhammer #Tabletop #Boardgame
Modiphius Fallout miniatures game [] looks amazing. Great details on the minitures too for painting. ☺️

Love the setting of the #Fallout games. Big fan of Fallout 1 & 2. Real RPGs!

#tabletop #Boardgame
Been playing Games Workshops Blood Bowl all day. ☺️ Fun and lot of tactics of play. πŸ€”

Still need to paint human team. πŸ˜‡

#Boardgame #tabletop
cookie jar (i)
Earth Reborn []. Not enough people know this brilliant #boardgame! πŸ˜€ Yes its rather advanced and for the experienced #tabletop gamers. But the scenarios let you learn it's game mechanics and rules.
Apperently I still love reading boardgame rules. Guess it's the game designer in me. Would love to design my own game one day. πŸ€“

Painting Blood Bowl figures and reading the rules of the game. πŸ‘Ύ


Anything old? ⇄