Shiny is better.

#NowPlaying Paradelous - Power Slam (AMV) [] #BigFinish #Birthday requested by @thedoctor on #MondayNightDanceParty
The time-traveler made sure to hit one of her many birthdays each time she returned from a mission. Then stayed for a night. She earned her 1000 years of experience very fast, wasting just a few days of her youth (and taxes) on each.
#wedc #birthday
#WedC ( #Birthday )

"What is our gestation period?"
"10 months, plus or minus."
"Plus or…?"
"Not an exact science."
"You've been subjugating those hamans too long!"
"So why the question?"
"We must visit Glarf Forest. Now."

This week's 1-post story writing challenge, to celebrate @schmidt_fu's recent one, is:


1. Write something,
2. Tag it #WedC or #MitC (Deutsch.)

We should probably use the other suggestions another time.

// @33MHz @mlv
#WednesdayChallenge story suggestions so far:

* fuzz collapse - @33MHz
* #Birthday - @schmidt_fu
* Explain a challenging thing to a child - @bazbt3

Any more?

@bazbt3 I'm running out of inspiration after a week without any substantial amount of sleep.
Maybe I'm tossing in #Birthday as a current topic :-)

You gave up too much to turn back now.