@nitinkhanna to my business associates, but you can call me Nitin Khanna.

The Facts

Listen to the gossip.


Anything new?

Is there any third party WordPress client or web app that I'm not aware of? Please, send me your favorites!
@33MHz it would be better if they just cut off the mods and handed it to someone else. Instapaper is a stalwart of the Internet. You can't just kick discussion of it from reddit and not lose something truly valueable.
@33MHz who knows? Reddit is so stupid these days that there's no explanation for why they banned it. That should be, like, a bare minimum requirement.
Ummmm. I was just looking for something online and I noticed that r/instapaper is banned from reddit. What the heck is wrong with this company???
Testing RSS to Mastodon using mastofeed.org
I'm sorta glad that no company has a patent on "Dark Mode". That would be such a silly thing.
@thrrgilag nice! Welcome to the area!
@thrrgilag awesome! Wait, you moved here?
@habanero woah. Thanks for this. I've never seen this park before! @thrrgilag
@pnut OMG I’m honored! Thanks Pnut 😊 @ccp @thedoctor @igmp_join @sulgi @i70dan @mcdemarco @brian @kyle @thrrgilag @jdscolam @ludolphus @shawn @joanna @po @jvimedia @papierzeit @jws @hutattedonmyarm @ericd
@ryb haha... with the kind of overuse I do of my system, that crypto miner would have no resources to work with! :D
Oh cool, so if I'm logged into the Bing Chat page, it doesn't work in Firefox, but if I'm incognito or not logged in, works perfectly. Cool, cool.
TIL if you install dotenv in python with "pip install dotenv" you run into an error which is just unexplicably lame. All you have to do is "pip install python-dotenv" instead. Cool.
"Adding 4821 links from Instapaper to Omnivore..."

Hmmmm. Oops.
@33MHz yeah, this market fucking sucks to move jobs.
I look at tools like Omnivore and LogSeq and consider moving to them. But then I go back to WordPress, iOS Notes, Day One, and my liveblogging tools. Because it’s not the tool that’s going to help me write more. It’s overcoming the fear of the blank page.
The new PowerPoint is way powerful. Making presentations is a breeze, and it's letting me explore designs I wouldn't even have considered in the past.
@ryb just installed the latest version a few days ago. So "whatever's on the official MS website"-old.
Very tempted to think there should be a way to get WordPress working with Cloudflare D1 DB, with perhaps a Cloudflare Worker acting as translation engine between WP's MySQL calls and D1's API. Benefits? Speeeeed!
Got one of the weirdest errors in MS Word today - the custom dictionary is full, so the new word wasn't added.

So... Word is not meant for anyone else who uses a lot of non-English words??

You gave up too much to turn back now.