@KI6BJV to my business associates, but you can call me Charles.

The Facts

Listen to the gossip.

Shiny is better.

Nothing like a 10:30 Am shower to get you going after you have been working for a few hours
@33MHz the numbers are scary but the data and visulizations are pretty cool
just found this on my county website. https://sbcph.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/44bb35c804c44c8281da6d82ee602dff
@Streakmachine @33MHz For me it is a great mix of old and new. Rios is my favorite new charactor.
@Streakmachine @33MHz I am looking forward to it as well. There were a couple times I was brought to tears watching.
@Streakmachine I am excited to watch tonight after work. Picard has been a bright spot lately.
@mandy that is very true. I applied for 5 jobs in 30 minutes. Data People are in demand it would seem.
Feels odd to apply for jobs right now. Best of times worst of times etc
@mandy no problem. I hope it helps you out. :) @joe @thrrgilag
@neil Got ya, I havent really been dealing with personal email much in the last 2 weeks or so. As soon as I am off work I try not to look at any email. Getting my rest in while I can.
@joe @mandy many years ago I used this https://symless.com/synergy so that I coudl use one mouse and keyboard for A Mac and a PC
@neil I wish that was an option for me, sadly since I work in HealthCare I cant easily do that.
@33MHz Got it. I had a bad experiance with BofA and I was very happy to move to something a bit more modern. I have had no complainants.
@33MHz That is a bit werid. I have been using an online bank with no physical offices for 7 or 8 years now. the few checks I get I can 'mobile deposit' with my phone and I can use just about any ATM without fees.
Splurged and order Krispy Kreme delivered this morning. I feel like a spoiled princess with all the stuff we are having delivered right now. I also feel very privileged that I can order delivery.
@33MHz This is very cool
@mandy i hope so. We will see how it all plays out We still havent heard any updates from management & I think they still expect us all back in the office next Monday. Its healthcare so we are 'exempt' & they dont believe in WFH. Though my boss WFH 100%
WFH has made me realize how much I have spoiled my coworkers by doing things for them that I shouldnt. 

Had to tell someone today that they need tp approach their problem diffrently and how I woudl do and then lt them go figure it out.
@neil agreed. I have been absolutely loving Picard, at times I have fought back tears…
@Wife bah with the Bah?

Anything old?