@jws to my business associates, but you can call me Jeremy W. Sherman.

The Facts

Listen to the gossip.

I make Macchiato [macchiato.10centuries.org] for 10C's iOS-using community.

Father of two kids. Grew up in St. Louis, schooled in Florida, live and work (mostly from home) in Atlanta.

#pnutpatreon #dev

Anything new?

@bayprogrammer Awesome! Also looks like a fun class.
My ideal parental control feature: Omit all apps with IAP from App Store promotions and search results.
My favorite part of baking desserts is the joke at the end. “Wait until it cools completely.” 😂 Sure, uh-huh, yeah. That banana bread will be lucky if a half loaf survives to cooling completely.
» My theory is that most “resistance to chance” is realistic pessimism of corporate machinations.

Plugging in one more cable is a lot cheaper than buying a new dock, that’s for sure.
Finally worked out why my old Plugable dock just kept powercycling: it can’t meet the power needs of the MBP I got a year or so ago. It’s a wonder it ever evened out and stopped powercycling tbh. It provides 85W and MBP wants 145W for quick charge.
Wonder why every site wants you to have an account? One major reason is that it gives customers a history that allows a business to direct more of its anti-fraud attention to (more risky) first-time users than (less risky) multi-year regular customers. [bitsaboutmoney.com]
@joe Or a creepy AF futures market. History is weird.
@33MHz CDC and EPA have good guidelines. Depends on degree but fundamentally soap and water, maybe bleach solution if more than a light amount. The key is to dry up after cleaning ASAP. Put some fans on that sucker.
in the early days of life insurance, a popular use case was betting on the death of an important politician as a way to hedge against unfavorable policies [thediff.co]
what system is going to work best for your anti-boredom campaign? Well, the one that lets you do your favorite bits of GMing and supports you through the parts you don’t like [cannibalhalflinggaming.com]
@igmp_join i was listening to the third floor wars interview with dennis detwiller (episode 105) https://overcast.fm/+Q_ByM5EF0 https://anchor.fm/thirdfloorwars/episodes/Dennis-Detwiller-Magic-the-Gathering--Delta-Green---ep--105-en1smb
@33MHz yeah :\
@33MHz Maybe it’s that I tend to actually write and generate real docs as well. Can just use the Swagger docs site for lightweight poking, or snarf it into a proper API for real work. 🤔 The others just smell of lock-in to me.
@33MHz I keep struggling to understand the appeal of stuff like this (Paw, Postman, etc) vs just using curl.
Huh. Delta Green started as an answer to “how do we make it easy to replace dead player characters in a Call of Cthulhu campaign” after experiences where the table had gotten down to trying to recruit the waiter to fight in Masks of Nyarlathotep. 😂
Baby is on their second or third day of teething (read: nonstop complaining and drooling), and I have never been so glad to be going back to work after the weekend.
Did not expect how much more comfortable throwing the iPad on a stand would make looking at it. I got the stand for the phone originally. I spend a lot of time being a standing or seated bed for a sleeping baby, so not having to crane my neck is welcome.
This historical rundown of the OSR explains so much that I was confused about, having arrived very late to the mess. https://osrsimulacrum.blogspot.com/2021/03/a-historical-look-at-osr-part-iv.html?m=1
https://www.sigarch.org/drop-whatever-youre-researching-and-start-working-on-crypto/ 😂 💀

You gave up too much to turn back now.